Thursday, September 29, 2005

Daily reading. A Basic Approach To Life

Philippians 2:1-11
A Basic Approach To Life

In a warped human way we are respected for what we do. Compare a doctor versus a gas station attendant -- somehow we know who is to receive more of our respect.

Into this human hierarchy comes Jesus, who gives up everything and makes himself nothing. Taking on the form of a servant, he did not demand his rights but gave them up. Even when he was being taken to the cross he could have demanded justice or killed all the authorities there,
but he did not. Instead he went through an agonizing death.

What's amazing is that he asks us to do the same.

We want our way and our rights honored. Jesus says have the attitude of a servant.

Christ's ministry happened on this earth when he gave up his rights and position. Christ's ministry still happens on this earth when we give up our rights and positions to serve others.

Father, we have so much that it's sometimes hard to give it up. Grant us strength to become servants, that we might be like you. Amen.

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