Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Carpet carpet everywhere

Last night we had our regular fall congregational meeting. That's where the church gets together and the different leadership groups tell what they've been up to, and we talk about it and drink copious amounts of coffee. Last night we also had to decide if we needed new carpet or not.

We've been having the Trustees look into carpet for us and they came up with a very good deal. Our carpet is dead and threadbare in some places. It's around 23 years old and served us well. But to get new stuff we would have to borrow some cash to buy it.

Anyway, long long discussion that Leo, our church chair guided us through nicely.

It's a somewhat subjective thing, do we need new stuff or not, will this last longer or not, will we ever see it this cheap again or not... you know.

And I probably didn't help the situation, because I didn't state my preference. Some were waiting to hear what I had to say before they decided. But I remained quiet. I was quiet because, well, I don't really care one way or the other. The carpet's not the thing that I usually notice, but that's me.

On one hand I really appreciate this wonderful building that God has given us, it really is wonderful. (I have the best office of any Canadian Covenant pastor ) And we need to be good caretakers of what God has entrusted to us. If something needs fixing, we need to fix it, for sure.

On the other hand, I see how else we could be spending $15,000, oh baby do I see that.

But, money is God's servant, it's a tool, not a God. And when we focus on money to much we sometimes make it a god.

Anyway, the final decision was to replace the carpet. So here we go, major work ahead. Hold on to your hats, it's gonna get busy round here.

Now, what about that video projector...

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