Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Advent Service

Last Sunday was the first Sunday in Advent, and every year on that day we have a Advent program at the church.

You see, first we do what so many churches do best, we gather at 4:30 and eat a potluck together! Then we have a kind of program where anybody and everybody who wants to can get up and play a tune or sing a song. I'm always amazed by the willingness of many kids to get up there and give er all they've got.

Well, this year Micah wanted to participate. So he selected a song and got his name on the program for the night. He got Janet to play for him, and by george if he didn't get up there and sing.

Here's a short clip of him singing "We fall down" (Sorry about the poor audio.)

Johanna has been taking voice lessons this year, so she was "Encouraged" to sing. (Hey, I wanted to see that money at work!!)

She did a good job on a somewhat difficult song. Here's a clip of her singing.

All in all, a very musical evening for the Friesen's.

(If I could get them to quit complaining about one anothers loud eating habits at the table, maybe we could put together a family singing group and get an old school bus and paint it with the leftover colours we have around here...    )



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