Tuesday, August 19, 2008

another sweaty day

Yesterday we hit the Edmonton Science Centre to see the BodyWorks display. It was amazing and weird.

It's where the actual bodies of people have been plasticized and made to be in various poses.

I'm still not sure how I am feeling about it. It's something I've wanted to see for a long time, but it felt weird.

I've been with dead bodies many times, and others I've been with when they have died, I have a deep respect for that final human step.

So there was a strange feeling about this display, that tried to be about education but sometimes felt like it was about money.

Anyway it was a cool opportunity, probably once in a lifetime.

Today we are off to see the worship space for much of Western Civilization, the West Edmonton Mall.


Oh and yesterday was the hottest day of the year here, another sweaty day in paradise.


  1. Ahh! You did see it. I think it would be fascinating from an anatomical point of view.

  2. I was just reading about that display in one of Yancey's book, "Rumors of another world". I bet it was weird.

  3. oh, i've always wanted to see that! how interesting it would be to see all of the muscles and how they connect together and how they change depending on what position they are put in. that is something that has always intrigued me.

  4. I spent much of my teenage years hanging around the West Edmonton mall.

  5. I had never heard of that Body Works exhibit but looked it up on Wikipedia. It looks pretty interesting. I have always been quite interested in the human body and I think it would be cool to see the different muscles and whatnot in various positions. It sort of reminds me of going to the cadaver lab when I was in massage school, but I imagine it doesn't smell like formaldehyde :P


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