Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Small red ribbons in a monochrome world

Monochrome Winter

Today all the colours outside my window are in black and white. Everything looks monochrome. The small red ribbons on the steps to our front door are the only reminder that I'm not looking at a black and white photograph.

Occasionally life is like that. All black and white. Not much colour.

Some people think that black and white pictures are boring and old. They want the vibrancy of colour and deep saturation showing the brilliance of images, of life.

But there is amazing beauty in black and white too.

In the shades of the shadows, In the tones of the greys, whites and even the depths of the blackness. There are things to be seen and enjoyed, if you will look, deeply.

And sometimes it takes time to see the beauty, so slow down a bit. Live in the moment and look for the beauty in the black and white and greys of your life. Look for the small red ribbons that will remind you that you are living life and not just staring at an image.

They are there, you just need to see.
Take your time to look.


  1. I love the "monochrome" of late autumn and winter. I love the texture that becomes evident when there is a lack of colour. The almost fuzzy outlines of leafless deciduous trees and shrubs against the darker shades of the evergreens? So beautiful. There's a delicacy and fragility that becomes visible when the leaves are stripped away. It's the texture and variation in shades that makes even the Prairies look beautiful in winter.

  2. God is good, is He not? He is the Creator of ALL things. Jean

  3. Soooo very much to be thankful for. Every day, no matter what.


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