Tuesday, June 24, 2003

A day at the office

Well, I tried to do a bit more than I reasonably had time for today.


We've been working like crazy to meet a deadline this week in which we needed to send a great chunk of money to an airline to get 7 of our youth to the states this summer for our denominations huge youth conference called CHIC. It's a frantic thing, working with 7 families with various resources and expectations, to focus them all together to get the cash in ontime. Our Treasurer, (Bless her heart) helped me get things ship shape, so I think we are under way for the summer.


Had a good staff meeting this am too. It's  Steve and me drinking coffee, catching up on each other's lives, prayin for one another etc. I had to explain a Webblog to him in great detail. Techo-pheasant.


This afternoon I met with a couple wanting to get married. Kind of in a post-modern way or possibly a Hippie wannabe kinda way, they started living together when they got engaged. Believers, both of them.  I think they will be alright together. They are best friends, and it's always a good thing to marry your best friend, (Unless you both have the same body parts...)


Anyway, it's weird that most of the kids I've been marrying these days have lived together first. Those raised as Christians and those not. It makes a huge statement on our choices and families and, probably churches as well. Anyway, if they are good together, I'm glad to get them married.


In between it all I felt as though I was expected to have more power than I do in some situations. Small groups in the church would like this or that to happen, and would like me to accomplish it for them, thank you very much. But it's never that easy. Ever.


So I carry around this tension, this "Living in between" people and situations. I try to connect with people and meetings so that I can shepherd them through the difficulties of congregational life. But I know they're not pleased, and they show it.


Tonight I'm off to Hillary's Award Night/Grad. She's worked hard and deserves some recognition, but her personality isn't the type that will stand out in a crowd, and so she doesn't get noticed. That's how life is I guess.


Then I need to get to the worship practice for a bit. So It could get late tonight.


A day in the life.



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