Wednesday, August 20, 2003


I honestly don't know what the deal is, but I seem to be dreaming again.

Or, should I say, I'm remembering my dreams? I don't know which is right.

Anyway, this morning I had a wierd dream that I went back to college for a class or two. I had left my family at home, except for Micah. He came with me to take a class as well. (Remember, it's a dream!!) He really seemed to enjoy the College level Art class he was involved with.

All I remember was making new friendships, and connecting with people on an equal basis, again. It was kinda a fun dream.

But yesterday's dream was one of those real, real dreams. You know, the kind that get stuck in your spirit kinda dream.

In it, there was an earthly Tumult (I don't think I've ever used that word before!!) The earth actually changed it's shape. Whole cities were lost, people were lost and the continents were all changed. The lows were high and the highs were low, kinda thing.

And I had this group of young people I was trying to care for. We hiked and walked to find home, but it was all gone, we couldn't find it at all. We went up new mountains and came down new valleys. And my task was to get them all safely to where we were going.

Oddly, there was no sorrow or pain over those who were gone, just the trek or journey we were on. I'm still workin that one through.

I usually don't remember my dreams, if I have any at all. Now I'm on holidays and I start to dream again? Weird. Just plain weird.

Anyway, I'm back to work in a week, so I may get a few more before then.




  1. Glad your vacation is taking you to "new" depths not to mention the "new" mountain peaks! We're all missing you in our midst. Thought I'd just mention that...... anyway, by the sounds of your recent dream, you'll be taking people somewhere and I want to go with you!!! Thought I'd just mention that too...... I guess we're in tune enough to know that dreams usually have some truth or meaning to them and we shall patiently wait to see it unfold......keep 'em comin' R....

  2. Hey, Sharon!

    You must be back at work eh?!

    Hope you had a great break, welcome back.


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