Thursday, September 04, 2003

Happy Birthday Johanna




Well, 16 years ago today, Johanna pushed her way into the world, and the world hasn't been the same since!!


She's a bright, talented young lady, and I'm very proud of her. She's becoming quite a woman.


And, here's a cheer for her mom, who made a home for her for 9 long humid (READ: Summer in southern Ontario) months. She's a great lady, and her daughter turn out pretty good, if quality Moms are important!


And here's to having children while you are young and have brains of mush so that you don't know any better. You wait for childrearing to get easier, and it never does. Just when they are past a particularly difficult stage and you breathe a sigh of relief, they hit a stage in which they need even more of you - in different ways.


But today? Today is for Johanna. Happy Birthday Johanna. (Private and personal words saved for, well, private!)



  1. Pass on a Happy Birthday to your great daughter!

  2. I will.

    I think I like the last picture the best!!

  3. Many happy returns to Johanna from sunny Oxfordshire, UK. Please pass my regards, even if it is a little retrospective.

  4. if you care to see what I got for my birthday (as if anyone would) look here:


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