Monday, September 01, 2003

Shiftless Mennonites

On the lighter side
After long discussion of the Mennonite heritage of Matt Groening, creator of  ?The Simpsons,? Mennonites finally made an appearance on the episode aired on May 4.  After Bart´s treehouse is destroyed, the Amish are enlisted to build a new one,  ?barn-raising? style ( ?Issac, didst thou hear that?" "Aye! Someone needs the Amish!??and they hurry over in their ?buggymobile? as the  ?Batman? theme plays).  Marge comments:  ?The Amish are so industrious! Not like those shiftless Mennonites!? Cut to image of Mennonites in distinctive garb playing games?and smoking!?off to the side.

Shiftless eh?


1 comment:

  1. I am learing new stuff about mennonites all the time. Last night I learned that they are really tight! Had no idea! Now shiftless too. And I used to have such respect for those guys!


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