Tuesday, December 02, 2003


This morning, during my meeting with Steve we heard a bit of a commotion outside my office door. Then we heard water running. My office side door enters into a hall across from a washroom. So Steve took a look.


And what to our wondering eyes should appear? But a man, standing there, using the toilet with the door wide open.


Steve looks back at me with wide eyes mouthing the words "Who is that?"


Since I don't know, I signal for him to close the door, which he does. We pause, staring at each other in disbelief.


He finishes, and flushes and then wanders into my office to seek directions for a place he's been looking for for an hour. He's late for an appointment. So we draw him a map, and off he goes. Blissfully unaware.




So goes another day in the life of a pastor. 




  1. Are you sure it wasin't an angelic visitation? "Angels unawares" you know... ;-)

  2. :-)

    Dude, this was one scary angel.

    And he was driving a Buick Century, so he can't have been "from there."

    He would have needed an SUV to get here.

  3. Was he wearing a wedding ring?

  4. Not that I could tell, but it's not like that's the first thing I look for on a guy.

    But, I'll keep workin on that for you Robyn.


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