Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Longing for summer

The sun sets and it's still +38 C.

Last summer in Southern Sask.



  1. You could just about feel it coming today - it is on it's way! And then wait till it gets here and we'll long for the coolness of autumn.

  2. I will NEVER long for any coolness...unless it's above 50 C.

  3. Beautiful spring morning here is Oxfordshire, UK. About 7'C, slightly misty and with those fresh organic smells that you get in the countryside. Mind you, yesterday we had to scrape the ice off the cars, but it still reached about 15'C in the day.

    Wonder if the gulf of Mexico is warm enough for swimming yet? I'll be there Saturday. Hope I don't forget the trunks :-)

  4. Johanna - you would be absolutley cooked at 50 C. No - you wouldn't long for any coolness - you'd be dead!

  5. FIFTY???? Like in five zero?!!!???? Lord help us all. When I looked at that picture of +38C I could somehow feel the heat....well, it was probably my fresh brewed coffee drunk by a "middle-aged" woman, if you get the idea! For now, I'll enjoy today, the freshness and coolness of the morning, the geese honking overhead, the crows still squabbling, the crackling of the thin ice-turning-to-running-water-by-afternoon, the warmth of the sun.....oooooh yaaaaaaa.......


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