Wednesday, April 21, 2004


15 years ago, when we were having such fun making babies, we weren't thinking that we would have to spend two solid years teaching two teenage girls how to drive.




  1. I don't know that it is any more fun with teenaged boys - you've got two more years coming up!! I'm hoping to be done after next year.

    Oh, I'd better shut up. I could have three more to go if prayers are answered.

  2. do what our dad did....deny, deny deny.....(with the girls anyway)

  3. You ENJOYED making babies??! I thought it was all supposed to be a chore to keep the human race going ;-)

    Don't worry about the boys - driving is instinctive for males. :-0

  4. What!!! did you say was instinctive for boys?

    You are treading into dangerous territory!

  5. Failing to wash up and leaving dirty clothing lying around ;-)

    But all kinds of mechanical things seem instinctive to Ertl males. I remember my Son, aged 4, explaining to me how my new chainsaw was operated. And he was mostly right!

  6. My Dad, (Thanx Robyn) says it's instinctive for the boys. I thought it must be the meds kickin in, but I tell ya, driving with these ladies...

    I'll have to wait to see how the boys do before I speak with any deep wisdom!

  7. Just sit down in front of a computer with any kind of racing game, and you'll see how instinctive it is for males to drive ;-)


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