Monday, June 21, 2004

Post-dated Post

Well, I'm writing this last Wednesday, under the assumption that my final interview went well (and the board didn't know of my SpongeBob Squarepants boxers) so tonight I am included in the ordination transfer service in Minneapolis.

If you want to follow along, you can online here. The service starts at 7pm Minneapolis time, so you do the math.

After the late parties here, we'll start home tomorrow.


  1. Hope all goes well at 1.00am GMT.


  2. Looking good Randall. The camera followed you quite a bit.

  3. I watched from beginning to end.... there's just something about the gathering of believers..... the only thing is when they went to put your "vest" on, the computer went into it's 'lag-time'!!! Anyway, I missed YOU getting transferred, but saw most everyone else... when they scanned your group again I saw you and waved....didn't notice any bunny ears... and then I offered up the Lord's blessing upon you ......

  4. sorry. missed it. tried to record it, but the computer recorder didn't work with webcasts I guess. so I've got 3 hours of black.


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