Monday, September 27, 2004

The cost of an education

I am a board member for the Covenant Bible College, and my desire has long been to see an affordable discipleship program available to people. Being on the board, I see how difficult it is to bring costs down.

I was excited to discover that North Park University in Chicago, which is considered a top level College, is actually lowering it's costs. That is awesome.

Better still, is that the $13,900 US per a year is even lower for Canadians. There is a program in place that helps bring the costs in line for Canadians.

Finally, a school making education and Christian education affordable.

I spent a couple of weeks there in January taking a history course. Yeah, I know, January in Chicago. But it was great, I loved it. I think that if I ever won a lottery, (which I won't because I don't enter them....) I think I'd go back to school.

Check it out.

1 comment:

  1. Well, they are lowering the base tuition. But they are also reducing the financial aid pacakges. In other words nothing really changes -- except it is a little clearer up front what the costs will be.


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