Wednesday, December 29, 2004


We watched the movie The Terminal, with Tom Hanks tonight.

I liked the different stories running throughout the film, kept me interested. 

A good, sad, happy story. And Tom Hanks keeps on surprising me.




  1. Yep, that's a good movie.

    We are also back from Saskatoon tonight where the highway was also a bit odd: the wind was very much up, and the snow that lay in the fields was being whipped up and blowing all over the road---always nerve-wracking. Strange though because no snow was falling from the clouds. Just the mesmerizing swirling of the white in the headlights. Made it safely however!

  2. ....didnt like that movie...too sad I guess...too realistic of how people arent willing to help others, to go the extra make a difference.


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