Thursday, May 19, 2005

Everybody now; "Here comes the bride"

Well, the day really turned around for me.

After the two incidents this morning, I got hard at it at the office and completed the wedding ceremony. Everything I need to say is on paper tonight. Everything is thought through. Everything is backed up, twice. (I have back up pens for my back up pens!!)

I think I'm good to go on this one. I think I'll be a bit more nervous than usual, playin to a home crowd and all, but I am determined to celebrate this one well.

I always thought Jeff would be a good catch, and hey, I'm a guy, and his brother!!

So, this weekend this thirty eight year old guy, with a shaved head and a gimped back, marries this twenty five year old redheaded princess, (whose job by the by, is caring for the elderly, -laugh now).

And a party we shall have.

Indeed. We're gonna party like it's 1999. (Like when she was still in High School!!!)



  1. Huzzah! Say congrats to the bride for me. And give Neil (her oldest brother and my best friend since junior high) a hug from me (or at least a handshake if you're not comfortable with a hug).

  2. Have a grand day tomorrow!

  3. Come on now, Randall... she graduated in 1997!!! She's my age!

    I would have really irritated you if you had performed our wedding... I wrote out the ENTIRE ceremony, prayers, sermon (from a Gloria Gaither book), vows ... everything!! Or maybe I would've made your job much easier.

    I hope the wedding goes well... it's probably going on right now!

  4. It went perfectly, a wonderful day all about love.

    Good way to spend a whole day.

    And yes, i was teasing about the timing.

    And double yes Dixie, you probably would have made me crazy, ...a gaither sermon??


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