Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Tonight's visitation

Lauralea and I went to the home of some people who visited the church last Sunday.

Sheesh were they ever weird. He was talking without a care of who he would offend, and she was very cautious about what she said, never wanting to offend anyone.


That's a joke people!

Best part? Getting to hold a 2 month old baby while he fell asleep in my arms. Oh, and the Bunt cake too, that was awesome!

Fun evening. Thanks guys.


  1. Marc VandersluysMay 3, 2005 at 5:23 PM

    They sound like losers. I say you drop 'em.

  2. I have it on good authority that they're

    ...pretty decent folks! I need to meet that baby while he's still a baby!

  3. Becky, I'm not sure you should get too close to this little guy or you'll be throwing up and it won't be from what you're eating!

  4. Marc VandersluysMay 4, 2005 at 6:20 AM

    Good idea, Randall! Let's infect Becky with the "I want one of these" bug!


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