Thursday, June 23, 2005

Graduation has begun

Well, after a week in which... never mind, it's behind us now.

Tonight Johanna's Graduation festivities began, with a worship service. Kind of a good way to begin.

Her class enters the church.

They got a lot in during that hour!

The whole class.

Johanna is just left of center.

Then to the school for Tea.

Then we leave, hopefully living out the banner.

Hard to believe, 13 years done.

She's worked hard to accomplish this goal.

I sat there remembering how we used to read with her. She was ticked off that even after two weeks in kindergarten, she still didn't know how to read.  I remembered working through the times tables, half of which I didn't even know.

I remembered our very first parent/teachers interview which happened in grade one. We walked in there unsure of how this all worked and the first thing her teacher said was something like, "So you're Johanna's parents!! What do you do at home to make this girl what she is?!?" We sat there for ten minutes listening as her teacher preened and carried on about her. We went home thinking, wow, this parenting thing is easy! And hey, we're good at it!!

Yeah. Time makes fools of us all.

It's really cool to see who she's turning into. A Self confident, passionate young lady.

This is going to be a good weekend.


  1. oh man..that second last picture is horrible. I look retarded or something...crossed-ish eyes, red nose and cheeks, fat round face....why did you show that??

  2. "Yeah. Time makes fools of us all."

    Yep ;-)

    Johanna - that last photo looks completely fine and normal. Maybe I should adjust my monitor's colour balance? Having just got back from Scandinavia, I can see where your looks come from.





  3. Great pictures. I love the one of Johanna with her "tea plate" and paper cup! She is so very beautiful - in every way. Cheers to your daughter - may "real life" treat her well as she enters in.

  4. "oh man..that second last picture is horrible. I look retarded or something...crossed-ish eyes, red nose and cheeks, fat round face....why did you show that??"

    "I love the one of Johanna with her "tea plate" and paper cup! She is so very beautiful - in every way."

    Perception is a very interesting thing.

  5. that second picture looks like there is a ghost, or an angel or something....the white robe, slightly blurred....weird.

  6. Congrats Johanna! Here's to your bright future.


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