Sunday, June 19, 2005

Thinking about Legacy this Father's Day

A grade one teacher thought this shy retiring kid would make it just fine in the big bold world of education. And, because I was naive, I believed her. Her belief in me got me through many educational close calls.

As a teenager stuck in my own cycles of depression and darkness, one of the youth leaders I knew took an interest in me. She took time, bought me a shake and listened to me. She invited me to a youth bible study and I went. And life became lighter.

As an 18 year old not sure of direction for my life, it was my dad and mom who taught me that when God called, you went. And on that cool September morning when my bus left for college, my parents, with my siblings and all their possessions packed into a moving truck, headed east to Ontario where God had called them to be the first youth leaders of a church.

As a gawky 22 year old college student, Lauralea loved me enough to say "I do" and she has. She has taught me love and patience, grace and mercy. She has been God's constant reminder to me that He loves me.

As a 25 year old, entering the ministry full time as a senior pastor church planter, I was terror struck and dumbfounded. Till my grandparents came and spoke words of life to me; "We will pray for you every day." And they did.

Each a legacy of life to me.

What are your  stories of Legacy?


  1. Sorry Rand. You were wrong. It was not youth leaders, it was choir leader.


  2. Ah, but in that culture, the choir director WAS the youth leader!


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