Friday, September 16, 2005

Bono writes of his dad:

"The spiritual journey was interesting to him. Because he wasn't a believer; he didn't believe in God towards the end. He was a Catholic, but he lost his faith along the way... I think the Church wore him down, all the scandals, and all that stuff. I would give him a Bible, or I would offer up, if he was interested, any kind of insights I might have had to some of the Gospels, or the way they were written, or the context of a particular passage. But finally he didn't buy into it. Yet he seemed to think this was the most important thing I had to offer. In fact, it was what he liked best about U2: our faith.

Occasionally, he would ask about my belief in God: "There's one thing I envy of you.  I don't envy anything else," he said to me one time... "You do seem to have a relationship with God." And I said: "Didn't you ever have one?" He said: "No." And I said: "But you have been a Catholic for most of your life." - "Yeah, lots of people are Catholic. It was a one-way conversation... You seem to hear something back from the silence!" I said: "That's true, I do." And he said: "How do you feel it?" I said: "I hear it in some sort of instinctive way, I feel a response to a prayer, or I feel led in a direction. Or if I'm studying the Scriptures, they become alive in an odd way, and they make sense to the moment I'm in, they're no longer a historical document." He was mind-blown by this."


  1. Good stuff. That's a great book: an easy but thought-provoking read.

    You've been on fire here the last couple of days, Randall--inspired, if you will. Good posts all around.

  2. Beautiful passage. It must be tough to watch the death of someone who doesn't "subscribe" or believe in your faith.

    But what I love the most about Bono is the way his faith is incredibly honest..he's willing to talk about the things relating to faith that he doesn't get. His doubts don't disqualify all of his faith.


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