Saturday, September 24, 2005

Daily reading. The Beginnings of Humility

This week the publication The Covenant Home Altar will be running a collection of devotionals I wrote for them. I'm including them here, just incase nothing else profound happens.

If you've read the magazine and are checking this place out as a result, hey make yourself at home. Take your shoes off and stay awhile. (I suppose that shoe thing is for Canadian and Japanese readers only. I don't think a lot of other cultures encourage shoe removal when you enter their homes.)

Psalm 25
The Beginnings of Humility

When I was in London I visited Westminster Cathedral. As I entered into the great space, my eyes were drawn upwards into the stone and stained glass. It inspired me with awe. As I looked
down, I saw that I was standing at the foot of David Livingston's grave.

In those moments, surrounded by the graves of men and women who had done great things with their lives, standing amidst the history and beauty of the place, I was humbled. My place in this world seemed so small.

This is where we begin our week exploring humility. Psalm 25 sets us in the right place to be awestruck, the greatness of God and His provision for us, and his care for those who will seek Him.

Let us begin this week with the awe-inspiring realization that we are mere mortals, in the presence of an amazing God. May we adopt a posture of humility, receiving what God has to teach us this week.

Father, thank you for your greatness, especially your great love. Teach us your ways this week. Amen.

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