Thursday, November 03, 2005

Many Realities

Well, we got a couple of hours sleep last night, finally.

This morning I was in contact with a family from the church. One of the family members was in the process of having a major dark breakdown last evening. A very terrifying and dangerous incident.

Reflecting on it this morning, I'm sure that was a part of last night. I was praying for safety and protection for the people, for the church.

But there is yet something more I need to pray through.

I'm not sure yet if it's training oneself or if it's a gift of sensitivity given to the individual, but this will happen occasionally to me. Usually it's not this urgent. Last night it was.

It's difficult to communicate, but there has been a subtle shift in the church I care for, I can sense it in my spirit more than I can give it words. And while that kind of language is loaded and somewhat mystical, it is what it is. Much of my prayer last night was asking God to bring the fuzzy picture into focus. What is the shift, where should I turn my attention, how should I be responding.

It's almost StarWars-esk; "There's a disturbance in the force..."

It's something you sense, not see. And it's not even about good or bad, it's just a subtle shifting that gives me clues where to put my effort and time.

So I remain in listening mode. Straining to hear, watching for leading. Waiting on the leader of the church to give direction.

Then I will seek to obey and follow.

1 comment:

  1. "....but there has been a subtle shift in the church I care for".......I'm hearing you Pastor.


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