Thursday, November 17, 2005

Tonight, I am thankful.

Tonight I'm thankful that at 11:30 in the evening, the temperature is actually up to a balmy 0 C. It feels like spring out there!!


Tonight I'm thankful that there are other pastors out there, working hard to do what they have been called to do. Earlier today Lauralea and I were in Saskatoon, meeting with eight other pastor types and their significant others. They belong to our tribe, and every so often we get together and share our stories and just love on each other a bit. It's hugely comforting to know that there are others out there who do know exactly what you go through, to do what you do.


Tonight I'm thankful for the people I care for, as pastor. They have been in the process of evaluating me and my work here. Because of their work, I see areas for growth and development as an individual and a pastor. I do make many mistakes doing this pastoring gig, and they are gracious with me. Tonight we spent a lot of time talking through these things, sharpening one another. As we talked we were able to dream a bit and The Spirit was in the house. It was good, and hey, it's always nice to be the center of attention for a while. To share what's on your heart, and to have people listen, intently, to your heartbeat. I'm grateful for them.


Tonight I'm thankful that when we are done here on earth, it's not over, the best is yet to come. After my meeting at the church, I went over to the care home where a friend, who has been an Alzheimer's patient for a long time, is now walking through his final hours of this life. Caught somewhere between this life and the next, we waited and watched with him and his wife and daughter. Soon he will be seeing things he always dreamt of seeing. He will hear things he longed to hear, and touch and taste like a young man again. I wish him only the best on this journey. The destination will be glorious and a part of me envies him.


Tonight I'm thankful for Lauralea who stays home with our kids so I can go and do what I need to do. As I arrived home a few moments ago I saw Micah's finished homework on the table and I know much effort has ensued on her part. She has willingly and ungrudgingly stayed behind so. many. times... she is the unsung hero of this place. I truly expect her to get a very good seat in heaven.


Tonight I shall be thankful for for a hot shower which will warm this tired body up beautifully. And I shall be deeply grateful for my comfortable bed, knowing again that there are so so many people around the world tonight sleeping in places that are not comfortable, and not home.


Tonight, I am thankful.


  1. Thanks - to both you and Lauralea.

  2. You say that it is a comfort to know that there are others out there who know exactly what you go through...that is exactly why I am a daily reader of your blog. As a pastor's wife, I am thankful that you are writing, and that you "get it". Thanks!!

  3. Amen, Shirley!

    Randall, you inspire all of us who grew up believing a lot of crappy things about pastors.

    You're a cool fella' and an authentic man. I read because you and Laura inspire me and challenge me. I'm grateful for your friendship.

  4. Randall...keep up the good work. You're blog is a ray of sunshine in my day. Thanks for everything.


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