Friday, February 17, 2006

Richard J. Foster on Renewal (2000)

In this regard we must recognize that nothing will fail us like success. To be sure, people are attracted to "success". But this is precisely the problem: they are attracted to success, not to Jesus. And the addictive character of a success mentality effectively hinders any real progress in the spiritual life. With "success" as our constant appeal it becomes impossible for us to become serious about self-denial or the cross-life or the Sahara of the heart or the dark night of the soul or other like matters, without which there simply is no substantial spiritual growth.[...]

Now to the two structures from which renewal is possible though not yet realized. The first of these is the local congregation. Here opportunities abound, the main problem being one of distraction. Pastoral leaders need to keep their focus on the enduring work of the cure of souls and refuse to be distracted by all the religious fads which come their way. They need to help their congregations overcome the inferiority complex that comes from not being "mega", and not being flashy, and not being on TV. Pastors themselves must come to believe that to pour themselves into a hundred or so people growing their souls into Christlikeness is a ministry of immense value.

Wow. I need that today.


  1. "They need to help their congregations overcome the inferiority complex that comes from not being "mega", and not being flashy, and not being on TV. Pastors themselves must come to believe that to pour themselves into a hundred or so people growing their souls into Christlikeness is a ministry of immense value."

    That sounds like entirely normal church life in the UK. Not being mega or on TV, and having a fellowship of around a hundred people.

    But Randall - I love your heart in that quote.

  2. I was thinking about that today, the importance of individuals, our importance in the life of the church, the things of God that we leave our families.......... and I think you remind us of that Randall quite frequently.

  3. Toni said almost exactly what I wanted to say:

    "They need to help their congregations overcome the inferiority complex that comes from not being "mega", and not being flashy, and not being on TV."

    What inferiority complex? Who wants that anyway?

    As for: "Pastors themselves must come to believe that to pour themselves into a hundred or so people growing their souls into Christlikeness is a ministry of immense value."

    It's rather like parenthood & alongside parenthood is probably the most valuable job in the world.

    And folks, don't forget to pray for your pastors & their families regularly. The expression 'pour themselved out' is often so apt.


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