Thursday, March 02, 2006

I'm home

Nine hours after I left Strathmore, I arrived home in Prince Albert.

Nine hours.

I could have driven it in seven.

Anyway, it's good to be home. Well, except for the three feet of snow everywhere!!!

I'm done writing my report, and now it's time for all good little pastors to be in their little beds.

So, good night.

and hey, thanks again for prayin. Really, thank you.


  1. Good night Randall. I know that you're so much more than a "good little pastor."

  2. Hope you slept well.

    For me, it's often a toss-up between flying or driving in the UK. SCotland is worth flying to - Glasgow and Edinburgh are 7 or 8 hours drive from here, and flying always takes around 4-5 hours. Newcastle is different, with a drive time between 3 1/2 and 4 1/2 hours, so that it works out about the same. However that kind of drive is fairly hard work on roads that are often busy, and needs lots of concentration.

    A couple of years back I drove to Newcastle early, did 90% of a days work, then drove back. Dumb, if mildly satisfying.


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