Saturday, July 01, 2006


Just yuck is all.

It"s been good these days, just to be Reuben and Eva"s son. I"m not ready to go back to being a pastor.

But this morning at 8am, another pastor called and pushed me to so some stuff for him today. I was having difficulty getting to sleep last night so I was up most of the night. 8 am found me incoherent and unable to even focus on what day it was, let alone say no.

I got up and have been at the office most of the day, there was a wedding here so someone should be here. Since I am still working on the service for tomorrow, it might as well be me.

The kids are not doing great either. They are fighting a lot, trying to work out inside stuff too I guess.

And hey, a part of me just wants to suck it up and get on with life. It just feels like there is this speed bump I"m hung up on, and can"t seem to get over, yet.

So, as you remember us, help us with your prayers,



  1. Hey Randall - I haven't yet had the chance to share my condolences, but you've been in my heart all week. May the Lord continue to walk beside you as attempt to walk in that place between Randall, grieving son, and Rev. Randall, the pastor of his people. You are held up by strong arms.

  2. hey thanks Dan,

    hope the new things are working out for you down there.


  3. My heart is with your family too. Hope to see you guys Tues in toon town.


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