Thursday, August 31, 2006

Thank You...

To all those of you who helped in some way, with the funeral yesterday.

Your ministry and care was an unselfish act of love for Lionel and Tryntje. Thank you for caring.

your pastor.


  1. Ya, that's what love does. It's great to see "The Body" in action, isn't it? What a privilege. I think God was smiling.

  2. The whole service was really well done. You do funerals well.
    Lionel had a lot of respect in the community, as evidenced by the turnout for his funeral, and the various tributes (the grandsons did an awesome job with their musical tribute).
    Peace to his memory.

  3. Thanks for your role on Wednesday, your role in the life of our family, and your friendship to Gramps. Many trips to AandW with many eternal returns, I'm sure. Bless you, Rabbi.


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