Sunday, February 18, 2007

Just Life. In the deep end.


This is what it means to be held.
How it feels when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive.
This is what it is to be loved.
And to know that the promise was
When everything fell we"d be held.


I'm not one of those "Here's my song made just for this occasion in my life, and so here let me tell you all the lyrics," kind of guy.

But that's a chorus of a song that well describes my sense of being.

Held, by Natalie Grant (Warning: an emotionally charged song about the loss of a child.)

Yeah, the same sense has been going through my spirit these past days. That yes, I'm bone tired, but I am held, and held well.

I'm full of these emotions and senses and dead ends. But there is an inner clarity, like time is slowing down enough for me to know what to do next, and where to go and what to say.

As though a thick quilt envelopes me as I go. Comfort, safety, blessing. It's all there in the clarity.

So it's heavy, but my spirit is light and free.

This is a great strength to me as I prepare for this week.

May God be with you these days, even as He is here, with me.

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