Sunday, January 06, 2008

Hillary is off to college again today

which I suppose just means that Christmas is indeed over. Time marches on.

Next up ok the "specials" list is some board meetings for me, then Johanna and Nates wedding, then some more meetings, then Thomas graduation from High school, then Micah's grad from elementary school, and then, finally my graduation from the Spiritual Direction program at North Park.

At least its not all clumped together.

But its gonna be a real emotional ride this spring and summer, I think.

But now, off to work.


  1. looks like the friesen family has a lot going on. it seems the times are a changin.

  2. There is definitely a lot going on for you guys family wise ! I don't want to trivialise the energy involved in each of these achievments, but at least they are great individual growth points. Just make sure you factor in time to digest/celebrate/regroup from them.


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