Thursday, March 25, 2010

...And just like that its ready for an evening coffee house.

With Keith Kitchen in concert.


  1. I see Dixie said a similar thing already, but I still have to say it...'re not hiding your delight in the new chairs very well. You may pretend to wish the pews were back, but these last two posts are a major tell.

    Drop the facade, Randall. Admit you love the chairs.

  2. You mean you couldn't sit in hard pews in straight rows all facing forward and enjoy a evening concert? :)

    Not that I am jealous or anything.

  3. Harder to lay down on chairs, especially when they're in that configuration, which is a must in books.


  4. Oh..Oh..Oh We need those chairs and tables in Calgary, but I have to say (unlike Linea) I AM jealous!! Very impressed Randall.

  5. Is that Keith Concert in the kitchen?


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