Saturday, March 13, 2010

I could have been a good stay at home dad.

It's a beautiful springish overcast day out there so the fire is on and I'm just sitting down for a moment after washing the dishes, before I get on to some prep work for tomorrow.

Today Lauraleas and my usual roles are reversed. She's off to a local church ladies retreat to do a seminar teaching them how to eat better and healthier, and I'm at home keeping things in shape and praying for her. I don't mind a reversal like this, in fact I kinda like it.

So she is nervously off to challenge their worldview on eating.

She really has become knowledgeable with food and how to tweak it to get it healthy, or at least, healthier. While I've not always appreciated her challenges to my eating habits, I know that they are better choices for me. And I sometimes feel bad for her because her real abilities lay in baking and adjusting baking for more healthy options, and alas I really don't enjoy sweets. Tough to be her.

So today she teaches and I clean and pray for her to do well and stay healthy. She's not been feeling too well lately, tiredwise and that stresses her too.

Now, what shall we have for supper?

1 comment:

  1. Sure, it's really easy when your kids are mostly out of the house!

    Just giving you a hard time. House-spousalry is always tough if you do what's before you. It's good to reversal those roles once in a while & get a deeper appreciation of each other. Congrats.


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