I am about to head home after the third night of meetings, and days full of busy activities, but if feels ok so far. There is a sense of accomplishment at the end of the days that the work that we are involved in is good work and helpful work rather than feeling like it's a waste of time. And the connections with people have been good and deep and we've been able to go deep quickly.
We really are doing well out here in The Field. So many of the people here have been responding so well to what I've been challenging them with and God seems to have room to work here. Relationships are being healed and people are being healed physically. Not everyone is ready to turn inward and have a look around inside themselves and deal with some of that hurt in there, but we'll give them time and prayer. In the mean time there are many who are fed up with the pain and internal hurt that unforgiveness can cause. So they are choosing to forgive, and by doing so, they are unhooking the heavy loads they carried. It's good.
We are good at food and feeding and eating together, which was always one of Jesus priorities. We make multigenerational community look easy and people here really do pray. Whether its the guys to gather to pray Tuesday at 6:30 am or any meeting or gathering of the church people, prayer is always included. Then there are the miracles. It's been a while since I've seen so many clear miracles come as an answer to prayer. Be it stroke victims or terminal cancer patients, accident victims or people with back pain, miracles are happening here. They are generous and give what they have to others who don't have. They are good singers and don't carry on complaining if it's singing an old hymn or a new worship tune, they sing.
That's just a small list I was working on the other day.
And God has more to do here too. He's got some big ideas for these field dwellers, the kinds of things that get us excited.
Sunday mornings are seeing more and more people joining us here, gathering to be with one another and do together what we can't do alone. Babies are being born and some of our elderly are moving on to the rest of their eternity too. Life continues.
So we are working hard, and there is much work to be done.
So hey, if you are interested in dropping by for a visit, why not shoot us an email and we'll put you up and maybe you can enjoy the effects of Field living and rural church life if only for a couple of days.
It seems to have a good effect on people.
Night from the field.
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