Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saturday evening prayers

The words were appropriate tonight as Lauralea and I prayed together.
Maybe there are some words here to offer you comfort this night.
Join us in prayer...

I will wait for the Lord.
My soul waits,
and in His word do I hope.

Lord, You have always given bread for the coming day;
and though I am poor,
today I believe.

Lord, You have always given strength for the coming day;
and though I am weak,
today I believe.

Lord, You have always given peace for the coming day;
and though of anxious heart,
today I believe.

Lord, You have always kept me safe in trials;
and now, tried as I am,
today I believe.

Lord, You have always marked the road for the coming day;
and though it may be hidden,
today I believe.

Lord, You have always lightened this darkness of mine;
and though the night is here,
today I believe.

Lord, You have always spoken when time was ripe;
and though you be silent now,
today I believe.

(Northumbria Community)


  1. We used this during last year's weekly Bible study, just like we did in P.A. They are good words.

  2. :)

    Yes they are.
    Lauralea and I still use it most nights.

  3. Just back in Northumberland tonight having used this in morning prayer at a 'big gig' this weekend (obviously removing the reference to night time!) Felt connected to you and to my home as we prayed in the English Midlands.....

  4. :)

    And again this is one of the great values of written prayer. It connects us with the broader church in ways we wound never be able to appreciate without.

    Makes me smile.


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