Tuesday, December 23, 2014

So, this just happened.

Sun rises on the day before the day before Christmas.

The day before the day before Christmas and the sky is ablaze with glory.

Today I need to get ready for some services, meet with staff, make sure things are ready.
And today I wait again for the UPS driver to find where I live because he's got the gift I ordered for herself and he can't seem to find where I live.

Tonight we will brave the forecasted freezing rain and drop the last child at the bus station to go and be with his siblings for Christmas as three of them are meeting in another city. Because of work and tiredness, his mom and I shall remain here and have our first Christmas alone in 29 years.  It will involve old movies, turkey, and and a trouser optional day.

Who knows where the day ends, but it began in glorious fashion.

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