Monday, November 09, 2020

Brunch, with love

It was in college when we were dating and one weekend we went to my aunt and uncles place. They lived close to the college, only hours away.

I remember the Saturday morning, Lauralea had been up long before I was and she was in the kitchen helping my aunt make brunch. It was waffles and a smooth custard sauce with raspberries on top.

There are some meals that families hold as a part of their history, and this was one from mine. That Saturday morning in autumn in my aunts kitchen, Lauralea was introduced to it too. She loved it, and I loved her.

Through 35 years of marriage and a family, it’s always been a treat. Now though, she is unable to eat it because of her own health challenges. So sometimes she makes it just for me. And when she does make it, like this morning, I remember how well I am loved. 


  1. Woman hath no greater love than this - to make her husband's favourite food, of which she is unable to partake.

    Book of Mariner, Chapter 2, verses 1 & 2.



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