Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Tuesday Mornings

Tuesday mornings come early for me. My first meeting of the day is at 6:30 AM when we the guys and I meet for prayer.

The guys used to meet in person at the church and drink coffee and talk and catch up and pray together. But now, because of the events of the past few years, we have started to meet online by zoom. We have found that it allows other guys to be able to join us from a distance away, and that is a great blessing as well.

But it is early for me.

This morning I woke up at one minute before my alarm went off. That rarely happens to me, but this morning it did.  I got up and staggered to the washroom and got ready for the day. Then I made myself some strong tea and I came out into our sunroom here with my laptop. I fired up the zoom and see who’s online already waiting for our appointment.

Some Tuesdays it’s just good to see the guys, to catch up on the news, to care for one another, and to check up on one another. Other times like today, it turns into a rich and deep fellowship with one another. It seems that God is not held back by zoom meetings, but he enters our faithful conversation.

There is encouragement for us and a deep sense of “God is with us.” 

It is still early and it is sometimes a challenge to be awake enough for such a gathering.  But you never know who’s going to be there, and you never know how the conversation will go. And you never know what God has planned for us.  It’s still one of the coolest things that we do around here as men.

Hope your day goes well. Mine has started off quite nicely. 

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