Monday, December 05, 2022

A Poem, by Artificial Intelligence (AI)

"I" just created a poem by telling artificial intelligence to write me a poem about a cold winter, overcast, skies, and falling snow. Here’s what we got.

The world is hushed, the sky is gray

As snowflakes gently fall

A winter wonderland is on display

A blanket of white covers it all

The trees stand bare, their branches stark

Against the dull and dreary sky

But soon they'll be adorned with a new mark

As snowflakes continue to fly

The air is crisp, the ground is cold

As the snow falls all around

It's a beautiful sight, to behold

A winter scene, without a sound

The world is transformed, so pure and white

As the snow continues to fall

A winter day, so tranquil and bright

A moment to cherish, and stand tall.

This means of course, that no longer can you trust what a writer writes unless you learn to hear their way of writing. This is going to be to writing what those fake videos are. 

Could be amazing, could be terrifying.

I’ll see how I can use this power for good.  … maybe more good dad jokes…

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