Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Living Life

The medical system has come to be a big part of my life these years. The meds I take allow me to eat and allow me to pee. They diminish the size of stones my kidneys make and they diminish the amount of acid my body produces so that gout pain doesn’t come around as often. 

Then there are pills to help with my diminished enzyme amounts which was what my dad struggled with until he passed away. His lungs and liver stopped working.

Then over all these things or maybe as a result of these chronic things, there are some meds I take to help with my mental health.

Without the medical system I’d expect to be dead already a couple of times over. 

The quality of life that is mine because of these interventions is remarkable. Miraculous even. At least I count them so.

It’s easy for me to act like everything is good most of the time. But when there are hickups and I end up at the Doctors office, I remember how good my life is. 

Thanks to modern science and a God who loves me.  



  1. Long may you continue to dodge those bullets my friend.

  2. And may you bear the stress and pain of this earthly body as gracefully as dad did ( most of the time 😊 ) ❤️


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