Friday, August 15, 2003

W.W.J.D Redux

Back in early June I gave you a quiz on What Would Jesus Do. It got no comments. I choose to believe there were no comments, because the internet was shut down for the whole day, then the next, then the next. Then I just busied myself with some other project.

I thought today might be a good day to revisit that empty silence. Maybe there are no answers. Maybe we don't know what to say to it. Anyway, here it is, reprinted. What do you think?


Yeah, it´s somewhat fashionable to wear a bracelet or have a sticker on your car with "What Would Jesus Do" emblazoned on it. I don´t know if we´re telling the world that that´s exactly how we try to behave or what. I have my doubts that it´s any more than a fancy decoration and some good branding.

Take a short quiz

1.) If your church treasurer was stealing from the gifts and donations occasionally, and you as the leader knew about it, what would you do?

WWJD? Apparently leave the man in his position.

But Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples?the one who would betray him?said, [5] "That perfume was worth a small fortune. It should have been sold and the money given to the poor." [6] Not that he cared for the poor?he was a thief who was in charge of the disciples' funds, and he often took some for his own use. John 12:4-6 (NLT)

2.) If your "Church group" was getting so large that your income would increase and you would need to build a huge new building, what would you do?

WWJD? Say something provocative and scare away most of your followers.

Jesus knew within himself that his disciples were complaining, so he said to them, "Does this offend you? [62] Then what will you think if you see me, the Son of Man, return to heaven again? [63] It is the Spirit who gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life. [64] But some of you don't believe me." (For Jesus knew from the beginning who didn't believe, and he knew who would betray him.) [65] Then he said, "That is what I meant when I said that people can't come to me unless the Father brings them to me." [66] At this point many of his disciples turned away and deserted him.   John 6:61-66 (NLT)

3.) Your pastor gets a reputation for being a drunkard and hanging out with the worst of the worst.

WWJD? Keep hanging with them in spite of the reputation, and possibly loose any income you had.

And I, the Son of Man, feast and drink, and you say, 'He's a glutton and a drunkard, and a friend of the worst sort of sinners!' But wisdom is shown to be right by what results from it." Matthew 11:19 (NLT)

Alright, your turn. Include your quiz questions in the comments box.

I am curious, What Would Jesus Do.

What Would You Do.


1 comment:

  1. Sorry for the silence you had before, Randall - I hadn't discovered your blog in June, at least, thats my excuse.

    Some of those actions were slightly situation specific, but yes, I agree that my reaction to the treasurer would be "fire him".

    But isn't that Jesus action with us, often. I have some responsibility in the kingdom, yet when I sin (and I do fall) I'm not immediately told to stand down as an unworthy vessel. I get convicted, sure, but not rejected. BTW in our village church we had exactly this situation. I'm not a part of that (it's Church of England) devoid of life, and happy that way. The treasurer was also a local politician and 'borrowed' about $45,000 from a fund for building work. He received an 18 month jail sentence.

    I also remember hearing someone talking about an occasion when God told them quite clearly to go up and talk to a prostitute. It was just after the Jimmy Swaggart affair, and his first reaction was "I hope there aren't any journalists around - who would believe me?".

    Anway, my honest answers are:

    1) Initial reaction, sack him, followed by warn and admonish after pausing for thought.

    2) I'm very happy for the church to be 'shaken free' of unbelievers - they've no place pretending to be part of the body of Jesus. Please don't misunderstand me, I want to see their lives touched, and I'm always glad to see them being touched by the kingdom. However there is a differnece between outreach (and making people welcome) and being mixed with people of darkness.

    3) We've been called to reach the lost. I'd always hope to know my pastor, and who he really is. Again, in London we were part of a small church group that, for various reasons, had a dreadful reputation - all complete lies too, in our area.


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