Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Evidence of grace

The past 24 hours have been difficult, as you probably discerned from my past entry. Thanks to those of you who emailed.

I am sick. Physically ill, flu or something I guess. But I've been sick more times this past year than I ever have been in the past, and I'm tired of it.

But, add to that some personal pressures and family stuff and not sleeping and well, the night gets pretty dark.

My spirit gets sore and dry and it rubs the wrong way, you know? There's no healing oil, no balm, no help. And I await his medicine, his help, his oil. And it comes, just in time.

Tonight I was working through a lot of previous entries, trying to reclassify them, as I prepare to change things around here. As I re-read old posts and entries, time and time again I saw the hand of God, weaving life into me and my family and my work.

I read how he worked through me, and blessed me through others.

It was medicine for my soul, and some of the doubts that had been assailing me were blown away by the breath of God.

So, this place becomes more than a telling of my story, it becomes a record of grace given to me. A truthful reminder that God is at work in my life. Evidence if you will.

Sometimes that´s just the clarity I need to go on.

The enemy keeps telling me lies. But my Father keeps speaking the truth.

Maybe I need to do more reading here, not just talking.



  1. Good. You sound a bit better. Been praying for you all day.

  2. hi, sorry i can t email you ,cant figure it out. listen i am in Red deer, adn my comments arent working on my blog...can you look at it? thanks i get home tomorrow nite....you remember my password...think christmas.

  3. Thanks Linea, thanks alot.

    As for rjobyn, rojbyne, farzer? faazier ...

    i love having you as a sister. You do keep life fun.

    The comments are working.

  4. We prayed for you and your household this morning. I love looking back on things too. The other day I re-read a psalm I wrote 6 months ago when I felt desparate.... asking.... pleading.... and I felt humbled by it all..... he answered, of course.....and so I took time to tell him "Thanks". It was a good moment. I like times like that.

  5. ok now onto the 'physical' issues: Have you replaced/cleaned your furnace filter lately?????

    Just checking off the possible culprits.

    Good to hear that God speaks through the haze too.

  6. Furnace filters???

    Ya know, asking a guy about his furnace filters effecting his health is akin to a guy asking a grumpy/angry/hostile/emotional woman if it's just "that" time of the month!

    anyway, I change em whenever my CO2 detector goes off!


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