Wednesday, March 24, 2004

God, an old friend, and prayer

About two or three weeks ago I had a dream about an old college friend. It was as dreams go, fairly weird. Lauralea and I and her were driving around New York in a limo. Whatever. But it got me thinking about her again. What was she doing, how had life turned out kind of questions. But the activities of life moved in and I forgot about it.

Till about a week later.

That night I had another dream. Stranger still. I dreamt that I had a dream about her.

So, I was thinking about her again, I took some time and prayed for her. Often for me these kinds of things are a call to pray. When I've prayed and the burden I feel for the person is released, I continue on with life.

Till a week later.

This past Monday I awoke, thinking about her, and like Samuel, I finally said "Yes Lord, your servant is listening."

I spent time in prayer for her that day. And I mentioned it to Lauralea again. She, being the smart one in the family suggested I should hunt her down.

She came from a small town and her family name was somewhat rare in that part of the world, but I found three possible names that might be her parents, on this here newfangled internet thingie.

It took me 24 hours to work up the nerve to call.

Then, the first one I tried, a lady answered. I said I was Randy Friesen and I was looking for Mr. or Mrs. so and so. She half shrieked into the phone "Randy Friesen," then two more times; "Randy Friesen, Randy Friesen , from _________? "

Now, I don't remember meeting this lady more than a few times, but she proceeded describe me to a tee. Without any hints, she knew me.

We had a good talk, and I got the phone number from her, for my friend.

I took another 24 hours to call.

What do you do with that kind of thing? "Hi, this is Randy, your old friend, so, I can't seem to stop dreaming about you..." kinda thing. And I didn't want the call to upset or freak her out.

But, before I thought about it to much, I called.

Ring ring


"Uh, hello, _____________?"


"Uh, this is Randy Friesen"

"Randy Friesen!?! Well, it has been a while..."

And off it went, like the 18 years and thousands of miles didn't exist at all.

Mostly I just listened as she shared with me what has happened to her since we last saw her, on her wedding day.

Life has chewed her up and spit her out. But God has been good to her.

I didn't hear any bitterness, or neediness in her spirit. And it sounds like she has some great kids.

Which may be one of the reasons for the connection and prayer. One of her children has cancer. The child was given 6 weeks to live, and they are on week 11.

So she doesn't know what life holds for them, but she does know the One who holds her life.

And at least now she knows that he loves her enough to have an old friend praying for her.

Thank you father.


  1. This blog brought me to tears, what a wonderful story you shared!

    The Lord really does plant seeds so that we may pray for each other in times of need. You certainly heed the call.

  2. That is so good how God did that and that you listened and actually got up the nerve to call. Thanks for sharing this - cause it sort of encourages me. And so, I don't suppose God would mind a few prayers for her child on my behalf. She sounds courageous.

  3. That is an absolutely amazing story. Thanks for sharing it.

  4. First off, I trust you're getting better! We're off to see S,T&B this pm and I'm feeling a cold coming on!!!! Your story encourages me, Randall. Thanks for sharing it. It encourages me to pray - whenever - no matter how corny it may sound, to pray for someone we haven't connected with in a while. I'm learning to listen to the 'voice'... but the reason for your call....your old friend going through one of the most difficult of all human circumstances in life.....the loss of a child.....I weep for them....and you, as her friend..... life, and all it brings ......


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