Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Ring ring...

Last weekend, while I was away in Winnipeg, my son Thomas, came across a yard sale that had "Great old stuff" in it. He purchased a circa 1970's rotary phone, then came home and hooked it up in place of our main phone.

It's effect has been noticeable. The ring sound is a real ringing sound, not a sharp electronic buzz or beep. It's almost kinda soothing.

Besides that, I notice that it takes time to make a call. No longer do I hit a speed dial button, I have to slowly dial each number and wait for it to spin around back. Then dial the next number.

(... phone rang.)

Then, when I'm talking, the cord is mounted right to the phone, so I can't change the length of it. That means if I want to be on the phone for a while, I now have to pull up a chair and sit under the phone and concentrate on what I am doing. No sitting in the livingroom talking while watching tv, or talking while on the computer. Just talking.

It's forcing me to slow things down a bit, to think and consider others I talk with on the phone, and that's not a bad thing.

(...phone rang again)

Ok, it's taking me a long time to type this entry because the phone keeps ringing, and I have to give it all my attention.

But, it is a good thing, it is, really...

So, you can call me, just about anytime, knowing that you will have my full attention!!

Call me, 306-764-0701. We'll talk.


1 comment:

Play nice - I will delete anything I don't want associated with this blog and I will delete anonymous comments.