Thursday, September 16, 2004


Well, I'm sure making up for the 48 hours in Edmonton!

I'm on call at the hospital all this week. Last night, our small group meeting. This morning I'm doing the service at the Hospital. This afternoon I'm meeting with a family who's 45 year old mom just died of cancer. Tonight is a Deacon meeeting. Tomorrow morning I'll plan and prep for a funeral. Tomorrow afternoon I'll do the funeral. Tomorrow evening I'm involved in a community event. Saturday morning we will be working at the church, preping the space for the changes on Sunday. Saturday afternoon is a parents of youth meeting. Saturday evening I'll finally get to the prep work for Sunday morning, sermon and service. Sunday morning, church. Sunday afternoon ..... say hi to Lauralea and kids?



  1. Super-pastor! (dun-dun-dun!)

    Just make sure you take some time to breathe in the next week. God will give you the strength to make it though.

  2. and that's it?????? roll on, bro..................

  3. I wish you much peaceful sleep.


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