Thursday, September 02, 2004

This was only a test

Well, it's been one week since my food rant.

And, bless your hearts you were full of helpful advice. Yep, full of it you were.  However I decided to try a little experiment.

I decided that for one week I would forgo any breads, pies, cakes, rice, crackers, chips, potatoes, peas, cereals, and pasta of any kind. I'm not that well read on the subject, but it sounded a bit like that evil Atkins diet. And I was pretty strict about it. Even when Lauralea made fried chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy, I shrugged and said "Get thee behind me Evil Woman!"

Course, I should say, she didn't know anything about my experiment. At least, I don' t think she did. (although she did make waffles the first morning out...) 

I ate fruit and some veggies, cheese and meat. I ate some nuts and Ice Cream (with chocolate sauce!) And water, of course. A bit of coffee and tea, and, I think that's about it. Oh and yoghurt and eggs and meat, did I say meat? Yeah, meat.

Tonight my week was done. And not a moment to soon. Lauralea baked buns today and I was tired of yelling at her to get thee behind me!!

So, in summary.


There, I'm out there and lovin it!!

Breads and cereals and corn and potatoes and rice and pasta are a part of my life, and I really missed them. I watched them like old friends from out of town which I wasn't allowed to say hello to. Toast with my cereal in the morning is a wonderful blessing. Caesar Salad without garlic toast is like leaving the house half dressed. Having chicken fried cream gravy without the mashed potatoes is like having a cheque for a thousand dollars that the man forgot to sign and on the way over to sign it, he gets run over by a truck! And pizza without the crust is just a pile of, well, slop.

And the resultant weight loss? Well my numbers looked like this. (Keep it a secret ok?)

Last Thursday night  232lbs

Friday night 233lbs

Saturday night 232lbs

Sunday night 232lbs

Monday night 232lbs

Tuesday night 231lbs

Wednesday night 230-231lbs

Thursday night (Tonight) 231lbs

Now, I don't know what the Atkins people are preaching as far as numbers in a week go, but it seems like a loss of one pound could hardly be considered a ripping success.

Plus, I think that still small voice I hear may be my colon complaining to me, warning me that it needs some helpful fibre in there to keep things moving along. 

So, my conclusion?

I'll probably cut back on some of the Potatoes and breads and pasta, not make it such a huge part of my diet. But I will continue to eat them. Along with other things.

And all meat and cheese and tomatoes makes Randy a dull boy.

Now, what can I conquer next...



  1. I love bread too. It's all about moderation.

  2. there's evidence that shows that once people have been off carbs for quite a while and they go back on them (which i think is inevitable, since people love carbs so much), their body cannot properly synthesize them anymore, so they end up gaining more weight back.....

    and our bodies need those whole grains and stuff to function....

    so go carbs go!! (in moderation, like marc said)

  3. Ok, I don't know if this is the reason, but I had like two buns last night, and I'm all bunged up today.

    ...well, that may be more than you wanted to know...

  4. According to a recent study in The Lancet, the Atkins diet is effective in the short term, if you don't mind living with the unpleasant side effects in like bad breath, muscle cramps, diarrhea, general weakness and rashes.

    Eat your bread, just make it whole grain, not white.

    "In medio tutissimus ibis" - Ovid


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