Monday, February 20, 2006

In a Zone

Been needing to be still lately, know what I mean?

Just need to be low for a while, get my silence on. The more noise I make the less I'm able to hear, you know?

Things get a little tense, and tight, and you know some serious stuff is gonna go down and is going down in peoples lives, and I'm involved in it. When that happens, I tend to become still, quiet, introspective and kind of in a constant position of prayer.

It's kind of become an automatic response for me. In seasons when I really need to be able to hear God, I withdraw and minimize life down to its basic blocks, so stuff won't get in the way of hearing and communicating, with Him. I need to be really clear on direction stuff.

So I get quiet.

I do try to live in the present, cause I need to be. I need to be present for Lauralea and the kids. I need to be present to do my work. Maybe I'm getting better at that, at least I hope I am, but you can't live both here and there for a long time. This season will last about a week or two more I expect, before it begins lifting.

Besides, the silence and prayer is good. It leads to hope and the answers we need.

Peace and Blessings on you tonight.


  1. May you find the space you need to become quiet and may you hear him in the silence.


  2. It's good to know my pastor is "gettin' down" with God.

    May his vision come alive before you in these days.


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