Wednesday, February 22, 2006

"Workin for the Weekend!!"

Yep, still here. Can't get rid of me that easily.

Feels like alot of living is being done these days. Evenings at church activities, days at, well ditto.

This weekend the female gender of our church participants, (Women to you nethanderals!) are heading off on a retreat. Lauralea is helping give leadership for it.

This means two things. One, she's spending alot of time this week preparing for it, so we see her less.

And two, she will be away this weekend. Given my recent lack of any energy towards anything faintly looking like houshold duty, we may be eating alot of cans of beans, or tuna. Or toast.

And thirdly, a lot of the people/ladies from church will be gone. That means most of the worship team. We will be down to two guitars, played by two guys, maybe one. It's tricky to plan for that, you know?

And fourthly, a rack of important meetings as soon as she gets back, columating in me flying out for meetings for two days.

Did i say two things? Yeah, well deal with it!!

But finally and I do mean finally, I don't begrudge her getting away, except she will be working hard through it, leading, which she doesn't always, ever enjoy.

So yeah, still here, still praying, still effecting lives, one way or another.


  1. Toast, tuna and takeout....every man's arsenal. Unless he's married to me in which case he "whips up" things like pasta parmigean. ;)

    best of luck to the men this weekend. ;)


  2. yeah, your guy is AMAZING!



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