Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Rhythm of Life - Tuesday

This morning sometime between sleeping and waking, it pushed through my subconscious that today was Tuesday.

Tuesdays are usually a ?Hold on for the ride? day. And I got to thinking how each day has it's own unique events that drive it, till I'm home in my bed.

Tuesdays are about checking the net first to reply to emails and things I need to be aware of, Then it's off to the Hospital to check on any people we may have staying there. Following that it's my weekly meeting with another city pastor. We listen to each other and check up on each other, and kind of just watch out for one another. We pray, drink coffee and go off into the week.

After that, today anyway, I was connecting with a guy from church. We ate lunch and hung out a bit. It was encouraging, and a way to care. Then its a staff meeting at church. Me and Steve, (the youth guy!) compare notes, catch up, set direction, and pray together.

Usually after that I have another visit or connection set up. Then I start looking at Sunday. If I'm leading I need to have the music chosen for Tuesday night, when the band practices. Today I need to have the music selected.

By this time it's after 4 already. So I check the emails and net things and respond as required.

I try to get home for 5 because I need to be gone again before 7 pm.

From seven till nine-ish I'm at the church leading the worship band in practice. Then I want to get home and into bed early because Wednesday is early prayer time, and I need to be up by 5:30am.

Sometimes, like last Tuesday, I get a call that someone is in the hospital and needs checking up on. So I fit that in after supper and before practice.

Tuesdays just are like that I guess. And the week mostly moves on with me hanging on for the ride.

Welcome to my Tuesday.

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