Friday, July 21, 2006

Four hours till the journey begins, and it feels heavy around here.

I"m leaving Lauralea with four kids, two with jobs that need planning to get transportation, and two that need to do some serious chores yet find themselves requiring motivation. The temperature will be very hot these days, and then so will the moods. As of today the van has started to act up, starting when it wants to, and due to my travel and kids at camps etc. and “The Bills,”? money is non-existent around here.

And I get to travel and be in classes and improve myself.

This exact scenario plays itself out often when I am leaving for a while. And it doesn"t seem to get any easier.

Usually we keep each other sane and level. But these are the times that we are on our own, even if you don"t want to be.

So, yeah, just a long thick farewell going on here.

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