Monday, September 18, 2006

It's a cool one out there tonight people

I finished some homework around eleven tonight and I felt a bit cooped up, so I grabbed the mp3player and hit the road.

Did some laps around the community, walked along the river, watched the beautiful light show in the northern skies, and got really cold hands.

I think this course will be great simply because it asks me tough personal questions. No one asks me those kinds of questions normally, and it is good to be asked them because I need to look in those places for the answers.

The other side of it is that they poke and open up areas I've long kept to myself, because no  one else is interested in going there. The end result is I've got myself opened up all over the place and I'm accessing places in my life that have been quiet for a long long time.

It's good, very good.

and scary. Very scary.

1 comment:

  1. As you know, I completely understand that scary walk. My prayers are with you.


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