Saturday, March 05, 2011

This ain't your auntys old church gestetner baby.

In fact, sometimes it feels like magic.

I was sitting on the, um, loo late tonight, looking through a book for a story I want to include in the service tomorrow morning. That wasn't the magic yet though. The magic came next.

I found the story then fired up a copier app on my iPhone, snapped a picture of the written page, and saved it as a PDF file.

Then I emailed the file to myself.

From my phone, I logged into my office computer and fired up my email, downloading my PDF.

I clicked on the PDF to preview it, hit print - double sides, and off it went to print the story on the photocopier.

Tomorrow morning when I arrive, it will be there waiting for me.

Then I put my phone away, and got to the real paperwork.

I think my aunt who used to make the church bulletins on the ancient gestetner would think it was magic.

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